Landscape Architecture +

>>_Mission Retreat (2012)

Auckland’s eastern bays, speculating on 100 year sea level rise:

1.Allow the coastline to flood, creating a new public space.

2.Allow for ad hoc occupation and colonization of spaces and remnant infrastructure.

3.Redemption through amphibious landscapes & Coastal Public Space


>>_Exploring Panmure (2011)

An investigation into transport orientated development within and around Panmure.

Panmure is situated adjacent to the eastern rail network and along the main connection across the Tamaki estuary into the East and South of Auckland. Auckland is growing and needs to accommodated population increases. Panmure and Mt Wellington are not connected to the water. The AMETI project places Panmure train station at the centre of a significant transport node. These conditions open room for transport orientated development to occur within and around Panmure and to reconfigure the area to connect to the water and Mt Wellington.

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>>_Reversing Landscape Mosaics (2011)

“ An investigation into the growth of Auckland city. Landscape is fragmented, it can be described as heterogeneous tiles. ‘Reversing landscape mosaics’ or ‘tri-patched’ at a larger scale are concepts placing bush reserves at the centre of city nodes, density decrees moving out from the node. This reverses the normal pattern of having significant foliage in the country side away from the city. Roads have typically and coincidentally been built along arable soil paths. This land will be retained for arable use.”

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>>_Mangere Gateway Heritage Area: Ihumatao (2010)

Aim: “to develop an understanding of landscape assessment techniques that can assist spatial planning processes to inform future growth patterns that enable an appropriate conversion of natural and rural environments to urban activities.”

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